Currently, I am reading Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens, and am loving every page of it! Yes, it's rather long, and the beginning has nothing really to do with Little Dorrit, but as always with Dickens, the characters are unique and brilliant, and the plot is intricate. I only have 10 more chapters to go. *whew!*
And to keep the Dickens vibe going, I got the film adaptation of Little Dorrit for Christmas! It's amazing. It will tear your heart to pieces and you will fall in love with the two main characters! Believe me!
Check it out as Masterpiece Theater, here.
Gosh, I love Dickens. I'm thinking about doing a film marathon of his works. Sadly, I don't have all of them, but I'll make do. And I just discovered another thing. BBC made a docudrama of Charles Dickens!! :O
Why I never found this out, I'll never know! But it's on DVD now, and you can check the site out here. Gah! I want it for my birthday!!! *sniffles*
So guys, that's what is new. Apart from school, but that's not interesting. It's all tests and quizzes and observations and blah blah blah.. But did you guys see that there's a new adaptation of Jane Austen's Emma out now? AWESOME.
Yes! And I've seen it too! It's lovely! Check it out when it comes on TV! Emma
Well, that's about it. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day! If you have no special-someone, Watch Emma!! :D