Friday, July 3, 2009

What a Relief!

As my dear friends from WotR heard, my mom was checked into the hospital last night because she was having dizzy spells and a quick EKG. They said it was nothing serious, but the doctors wanted to run some tests to be on the safe side. We all were a bit worried, but I am relieved to say that she is coming home soon. :) I don't know if anything serious came of what was going on but at least she's coming home! My younger siblings are very happy about that. And I can't wait to see my 2-year-old brother's reaction when he sees her coming in the door. He missed her a lot last night.

Let's just hope nothing is wrong with her and she'll be okay from now on.


  1. Praise God! :) I'll be praying for her.

  2. Deo gratias! That's great, I'm glad she's doing better. I'll pray for her AND your family!

  3. Thank you both so much! It means a lot to me! *hugs tight* She's taking it easy right now. :)
